Monday, August 20, 2012

Assignment 3 continued

Author: Malcolm Moore
Article title: "North Korea turns to China for economic support"
Title of web site: "The Telegraph"
Date of article: Aug.17,2012
Date read: Aug.20,2012

This article is about, how North Korea Needs economic help, China, is there leading helping hand. Instead of being grateful for the Chinese, so when North Korean officials came to China, they demanded gifts and prostitutes. But in the end, North Korea annulled the help from China, and "'used violent methods"' against them.

The similarities of what the two authors are saying is that North Korea desperately needs help. Another similarity is how North Koreans dislike to receive help from other countries.

The differences in what the two authors are saying is how North Korea desperately needs help. In the book it says that-in not direct words- North Korea needs help with there government, there "freedom", and much more. While the article only focuses on the economy. Another difference- in the article- is saying how selfish North Koreans can be, when they were being demanding.

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