Monday, August 20, 2012

Assignment 3
Book Two: "Pyongyang My Journey In North Korea"
By: Guy Delisle

Author: Bill Powell
Article title: "North Korean Dictator Making Exit Deadly"
Title of web site: " North Korean"
Date of article: Mar.06,2008
Date read: Aug.19, 2012

This article is about how North Korean try to escape into the lands of China or South Korea, for a better life. The ones who don't try to escape, are the ones who are lucky. Or not since the government is so strict. But the ones who do escape, are captured and killed or chosen to spend time in prison for a long time. This the article says, is an example for the ones who have thought of leaving. Also the people who are against the dictatorship in the North, are helping the people who are escaping, with such things as, living environments. 

The similarities of what the author of the book and of the article are saying, is that North Korea is very strict. In living, working, and in freedom.

The differences on what the two authors are say is that the author of the book, gives some freedom of North Korea. when he talks about his trips to different places. So i guess they have a little liberty. The opposite of what the author of the article is saying. Of how North Korea really doesn't have any freedom, because of the killing's that happens when some tries to go and live a better life.

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